Before we delve into the Airtel Payments Bank IFSC code, let’s quickly understand what an IFSC code is.
What is an IFSC Code?
IFSC stands for Indian Financial System Code which is an 11-digit alpha-numeric code used by the NEFT and RTGS systems to identify banks and their branches in India. Every bank branch has a unique IFSC code that helps establish a secure and rapid transaction between the sender and receiver.
Airtel Payments Bank IFSC Code
Every other bank has different IFSC codes for different branches but that is not the case with Airtel Payment Bank IFSC code. Unlike traditional banks with multiple branches, Airtel Payments Bank currently operates with a single IFSC code for all its transactions across India.
The IFSC code for Airtel Payments Bank is: AIRP0000001
Bank | Airtel Payments Bank |
IFSC Code | AIRP0000001 |
MICR Code | 000APB000 |
Branch Code | 000001 (Last Six Characters of IFSC Code) |
District | Gurgaon |
State | Haryana |
Address | Airtel Payments Bank, 1st Floor, Tower B, Plot No-16, Udyog Vihar Industrial Area Phase 4, Gurgaon – 122001 |
Phone Number | +91 12442 22222 |, |
This means, irrespective of where you are located in India, this single IFSC code will be used for all your Airtel Payments Bank transactions.
Why Does Airtel Payments Bank Have a Single IFSC Code?
This simplified structure is a key advantage of Airtel Payments Bank. It makes transactions easier and faster for customers. You don’t need to worry about finding the correct IFSC code for different locations.
How to Use the Airtel Payments Bank IFSC Code?
You’ll need the IFSC code when you:
- Make NEFT or RTGS transfers.
- Set up auto-debit or auto-pay.
- Receive money from other banks.
- Add a beneficiary to your bank account.
Important Points to Remember
Double-check the IFSC code: Always verify the IFSC code before initiating any transaction to avoid errors.
Keep your account details safe: Protect your account number, IFSC code, and other sensitive information.
Contact Airtel Payments Bank for assistance: If you encounter any issues, reach out to their customer support.
Wrapping Up
Airtel Payments Bank has streamlined the banking process by using a single IFSC code for all its operations. This simplifies transactions for customers and makes banking more convenient. Always double-check the IFSC code before initiating any financial transaction to avoid errors.
FAQs About Airtel Payments Bank IFSC Code
What is the MICR code of Airtel Payments Bank?
The MICR code of Airtel Payments Bank is 000APB000.
Which branch is AIRP0000001?
The IFSC code AIRP0000001 is associated with the Airtel Payments Bank. It is the code for Airtel Payments Bank’s, Gurgaon Branch. It is located at Airtel Payments Bank, 1st Floor, Tower B, Plot No-16, Udyog Vihar Industrial Area Phase 4, Gurgaon.
How to find Airtel Payments Bank account number?
Here’s a simple way to find your Airtel Payments Bank account number:
- Open the Airtel Thanks app: This is the primary way to manage your Airtel Payments Bank account.
- Log in: Ensure you’re logged in with the correct mobile number linked to your Airtel Payments Bank account.
- Navigate to Account Details: Look for an option like “Account Summary” or “Account Details” within the Airtel Payments Bank section of the app.
- Locate Account Number: Your account number should be clearly displayed on this screen.
If you don’t have the Airtel Thanks app or prefer another method:
- Check your passbook or statement: If you have a physical or digital copy of your Airtel Payments Bank passbook or statement, your account number will be printed on it.
- Contact Airtel Customer Care: You can reach out to Airtel customer care for assistance. They can provide your account number after verifying your identity.
Important Note: For security reasons, always keep your account number confidential. Avoid sharing it with anyone unless absolutely necessary.